* Sadrul Habib Chowdhury on Thursday, February 18, 2010 at 10:01:09 -0500
> * Christian Ebert had this to say on [18 Feb 2010, 13:58:03 +0100]:
>> I'm using latest git revision of screen. In one of the latest
>> changesets launching screen with e.g. "screen 4 [program]"
>> stopped to work -- still works from within screen.
>> Any suspects or should I bisect?
> I could only reproduce this problem when the client screen (i.e. the
> screen in 'screen 4 [program]') is of a different version from the
> screen server it tries to connect to (both are 4.1.0devel, but of
> different revisions)

Definitely not the case here.

> Using the same revision, both the following rc works:
> screen 4 man man

Once screen is running, yes. Does it work as _first_ rc command
too? Not for me.

Sorry for being dense or unclear, but I meant starting from a
term and screen not running:

$ echo $STY

$ screen 4 man man

Then I get:

| Cannot exec '4': no such file or directory

> screen
> stuff 'screen 4 man man
> '
> As for the reason, I think revision 8147d086 is causing this, since it
> changed the size of struct msg.

Will check when I find time.

Thanks for looking into this.

  Was heißt hier Dogma, ich bin Underdogma!
[ What the hell do you mean dogma, I am underdogma. ]

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