On Jan 27, 10 08:45:24 +0000, Artur Skonecki wrote:
> Follow-up Comment #2, bug #27713 (project screen):
> I am using StringEscapeForEscapeKey.diff for a few days and it is really
> useful. Especially in nested screen sessions. It probably should get upstream.

Visualizing the state is a great idea!
I'm all for it!


 o \  Juergen Weigert  paint it green!    __/ _=======.=======_
<V> | j...@suse.de       back to ascii!  __/        _---|____________\/
 \  | 0911 74053-508                __/          (____/            /\
(/) | _____________________________/              _/ \_ vim:set sw=2 wm=8
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nuernberg)

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