On Sat, Jan 2, 2010 at 23:00, Chris Jones <cjns1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The screenrc.vim syntax file needs updating to recoginize the new layout
> command.
> The patch should be something like the following, but I haven't the
> foggiest what the standards are, and also I didn't find any trace of the
> screenrc.vim file in the screen git repos.
> Should go to vim-devel, the file's maintainer, or has this already been
> taken care of elsewhere..?

This should only have gone to me.  Also, the syntax definition is for
4.0.3, not 4.0.4, which seems like the latest official release.
Anyway, here’s a new version that includes the layout command and has
also been reworked for future additions.

Bram, can you please update your repository with the attached file?  Thanks.

Attachment: screen.vim
Description: Binary data

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