I am a screen user and I use the remote commands (using -X ...) in particular 
with vim (I select some code and send it to a screen session to remotely 
execute it). Since I needed vertical splits, I got 4.1 version and my 
screen+vim combination did not work anymore. I checked out the code to see the 
changes and I see that now, the commands are parsed in the server, therefore 
splitting the incoming string with spaces and so on. Therefore, this:
- X stuff "print "BOUM" " will be now interpreted by:
 -----> The command stuff with option print and value BOUM which is not the 
desired behaviour
In the current version, screen can now only execute really simple things like 
-X stuff ls

I rollbacked these changes locally (from version 4.0.2) to restore the previous 
behaviour. Don't you think the previous behaviour was actually better?


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