Adding the extra text from the man page into the texinfo manual seemed
straightforward. One thing I wanted to do was to include a table of what
the builtin digraphs were. In the manual it states, "The next two
characters typed are looked up in a builtin table...". The user inside me
asked, "well, what kinds of digraphs /can/ I do?". So I started down the
path of trying to include one. 

I found the C struct towards the beginning of process.c that conveniently
included the 8-bit characters. I copied that verbatum into the texinfo
manual. I tried for a while to convert the characters all into the
@-escaped equivlents, like:

    'A', 'A', 197,    /* @ringaccent{A} */  U+00C5
    'A', 'E', 198,    /* @AE{} */           U+00C6
    'C', ',', 199,    /* @,{C} */           U+00C7
    'E', '`', 200,    /* @`E */             U+00C8

But I was running into problems finding these equivlents for all of the
characters. I tried finding everything I could in . I
couldn't find one for U+00B2 (superscript 2), U+00B6 (pilcrow), U+00B5
(micro), etc.

The next thing I found was @documentencoding. I put that at the beginning
of the table. I would put another at the end of the table to 'switch it
back', but I didn't know what to switch it back to. There wasn't any
other @documentencoding in screen.texinfo and I didn't see what the
default was. But in any case, I was able to leave the characters as is
and a few more special characters was able to show, but again, some were
missing. But I can see how this might all be undesirable as this leaves
the manual no longer 7-bit clean. I've attached a patch to show this.

So with either technique, I can't get U+00A2 (cent sign), U+00A4
(currency sign), U+00D0 (eth), U+00DE (thorn), etc.

In order to check my work, I've been using texi2pdf on Ubuntu 9.04
(texinfo 4.11) and the developing Ubuntu 9.10 (texinfo 4.13a).

Would it be desirable to try to include something like this? Are there
other @functions that I may just be missing? Is there a way of entering
these in by means of escaping a hex code or unicode? Latex codes?

Curtis Brown
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Attachment: patch_doc_digraph_w_8bit_table.diff
Description: Binary data

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