Attached is a patch to document the layout command.

I want to apologize. I hadn't really used layouts before, so I had to do
a lot of experimenting before I had a clue what was going on. I don't
claim to have clue now, but this is what I got written up. If something's
way off base, please let me know.

Writting this seemed a little interesting because of the many
SUB-commands to layout. I choose not to put layout in its own chapter
because it seemed to be more related to regions than not.

This patch only adds to the texinfo manual. I didn't touch the man page.
I thought I read that someone else volunteered to work on the man page,
so I didn't want to step on any toes.

Curtis Brown
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Attachment: patch_doc_layout_addenum.diff
Description: Binary data

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