Le Sunday 12 July 2009 13:56:08 Steve Kemp, vous avez écrit : > On Sun Jul 12, 2009 at 11:27:13 +0200, Berry Octave wrote: > > It prints on it something like "lo: eth0: > > wlan0:" (supposing that eth0 and wlan0 are active). > > Looks cute, and I'd be tempted to merge into tscreen. > > But the obvious question is: How is this better than using > the backtick primitive? > > e.g: > > backtick 1 5 5 /path/to/script > hardstatus alwayslastline "%1`" > > Then having /path/to/script echo the data you wish to display. > > Steve > -- > http://www.steve.org.uk/
The fact was that I found easier to add that feature directly in C than parsing ifconfig output using a script (I actually didn't found an easy way to get such information using another way). The other aspect is that this allow to ease such a configuration using a simple hardstatus "%I", which is easier than rewriting a complete script to do the same thing. Berry Octave