Alright, and then, what would be the appropriate way to use MySQL client ? should I type
 scl enable rh-mysql57 bash
every time I want to use the client or make an alias?


On 23/02/18 13:41, Remi Collet wrote:
Le 23/02/2018 à 13:33, Josep Manel Andrés Moscardó a écrit :
Hi Remi, thanks.

What do you mean pulling all packages from CentOS? CentOS base doesn't
have mysql 5.7 or php 5.6. Do you mean pulling them from CentOS SCL?

Yes (which is a CentOS repository ;)

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Josep Manel Andrés Moscardó
Systems Engineer, IT Operations
EMBL Heidelberg
T +49 6221 387-8394

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