Le 29/11/2017 à 21:24, Matt Simonsen a écrit :
> It appears that rh-php70 packages are quite out of date (php 7.0.10)

This package are part of RHSCL and thus maintained by Red Hat as other
products (e.g. RHEL)

See: https://access.redhat.com/security/updates/backporting/

Going through the standard RH support process, you can ask for a update,
but can't say if this will be accepted.

Well SCL are a bit different as "rebase" (version update) are a bit more
frequent there.

Else, I see 2 way to use a more recent version

1/ Use rh-php71 instead

2/ Use php70 SCL from my repository which was used as base for rh-php70
but which is updated on each upstream version (7.0.26 for now)

See https://rpms.remirepo.net/wizard/
(Type of installation = Multiple versions = SCL)


> Is there no maintainer to update these?  I understand timely updates are
> not promised, so I'm looking at building my own.
> Is there any public documentation and/or a SPEC file that I could use to
> start on making my own packages? If there's a way to contribute these
> packages back to the community I'd be willing to do this too.
> Or is there a better way to run multiple PHP versions on a single
> server? I'm open to other suggestions.
> Thank you all,
> Matt
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