
yes, the only way I managed to build so far was in the begining by
copying rh-python36-build from centos to my own repo. Which seems to be
wrong according to redhat, but I start to think its the only way :)

I've managed to make some dummy scl extending rh-python36 but still a
lot paths is somewhere derived from that and I have no idea where from
:/ will take ages to make it properly.

the sclo packages will also write itself into
/opt/rh/rh-python36/something, right?


Remi Collet wrote:
> I think there some confusion here.
> The simple way to build additional package for an existing collection is
> to install the <scl>-build package in the buildroot, which provides the
> "overrides" stuff for needed macros.
> This is exactly what is done by the SCLo SIG
> Examples:
> * sclo-php71 (additional packages for rh-php71)
> => https://cbs.centos.org/koji/packages?tagID=1019
> * sclo-python35 (additional packages for rh-python35)
> => https://cbs.centos.org/koji/packages?tagID=1283
> And for now, this is the simplest way to do it
> BUT: <scl>-build is only available in CentOS repository, not in RHSCL.
> Remi.
> P.S. spec file hosted on https://github.com/sclorg-distgit/
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