
the issue is that I don't have the rh-python36-build in rhel (satellite)
and I didn't manage to find it on rhel site, so I assume it doesn't
exist and should be replaced somehow.
It doesn't sound right to install it via wget && rpm -i from centos.
Or am I wrong and it is somewhere? if yes, which repo?

Dependence only on rh-python36 is not enough as it is built for python
2.7 instead, the scl related macros are not working without


Stefan Ring wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 2:45 PM, Jiri Novak <jiri.no...@ghorland.net> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I'm currently trying to port python app to use rh-python36 SCL (built
>> using mock+rpmbuild), I've managed to make it build correctly in the scl
>> paths (and using python3 for the packages that need it during build) if
>> I install rh-python36-build from centos to the mock root.
>> Is there a way to do this with rhel packages too?
> Do what?
>> The issue is that
>> without it,
> Without what?
>> %{scl} in specfile is not populated, with it, it's properly
>> set to rh-python36. Should I pass the value in different manner than in
>> centos? or what might I be doing wrong?
> I have no idea what you are trying to achieve.

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