Good Morning, *cross posting this over from the main centos list, I misdirected the original query and Johnny suggested I ask here*
Specifically this is in reference to RHSA-2017:2483, which should increment the httpd24 packages to 25-9 in the SCL. The SA was released on August 16th 2017, so it has some age to it, SCL httpd24 for 6 still sits at the previous, 25-8. Some links for reference: Online repo: Has this packaged reached its end of updates in this repo? It's a good set of CVEs at 70+ days now. Additionally, and while I don't expect this to be in the CentOS repo yet due to its young age, there's another update to httpd24 that was just released four days ago, RHSA-2017:3018. Looking for insight, or my own self initiated face palm because I'm missing something. Thanks!
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