Hey Steve,

that all sounds great to me, so welcome on board!

On 09/15/2017 09:35 AM, Steve Traylen wrote:


I've requested to join the Software Collections SIG.

Initially I wanted to build and add rh-pythonXX-matplotlib against

Just a small correction here -- such packages should be part of the community collections that Jarek was building recently, so in the end it will be sclo-pythonXX-matplotlib etc..

the exisiting numpy packages but generally I will be building
more SLC packages. I run the interactive interactive login services
at work so mostly random clients and scientific packages.

I've been a fedora packager and sponser for a number of years (username 
and work here at CERN with Thomas and Jarek.

Awesome, so you already have mentors around, who should be able to help you with getting up to speed.

Good luck and don't hesitate to contact me or anybody else from the group members if there are any troubles.



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