Hi Honza,

sorry for the late reply, I went on long holidays and the thing slipped
under my radar.

On Fri, 2017-07-28 at 15:36 +0200, Honza Horak wrote:
> Hi Tadej, I've just started the builds, so they should get to the
> repos 
> in couple of next days..

Great, thanks! I've updated all my CentOS machines to 9.4.12-1.el7

> > Besides the obvious question stated in the subject, I would also
> > kindly
> > ask for answers to:
> > 1. What is the current process of updates flowing from RHSCLs to
> > Centos
> > SCLs?
> jstanek and myself are now the main "rebuilders", we have some
> tooling 
> for taking the released sources and rebuilding in cbs.centos.org,
> but 
> it's more ad-hoc action at this point. We're working on some better 
> automation though.

Ok, thanks for the explanation.
Yes, automation wouldn't hurt ;-).

> > 2. Where does softwarecollections.org fit into the picture?
> It currently serves as a catalog of collections, we don't rsync the 
> packages any more, we just tell people what SCLs are available and
> how 
> they can be enabled on RHEL and on CentOS, see for example:
> https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/rh-postgresql94/

Cool. One thing I would recommend is to remove the "Related COPR
projects" from the page since some people might wrongly think that the
SCL is being built with COPR and/or use an old version.

In case of rh-postgresql94, the latest version in COPR is 9.4.5-1.el7
built in Nov 2015.

> Hope that answered your questions.

Yes, it did and thanks for prompt rebuilds of rh-postgresql94 in CBS!


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