Le 17/05/2016 à 16:34, Honza Horak a écrit :
>> yeah, cant use deps from outside of cbs. you'd need to rebuild those
>> deps from epel.
> Do you have some estimation of how many packages would have to be needed?
Few examples:

php-imap         => libc-client
php-mcrypt       => libmcrypt
php-tidy         => libtidy
php-mssql        => freetds
php-interbase    => firebird (and probably others)
php-pecl-mongodb => libbson + libmongoc
php-pecl-amqp    => librabbitmq
php-pecl-libsodium => libsodium
php-pecl-zmq     => zeromq


rcol...@redhat.com | Senior Software Engineer / BaseOS / WebStack team
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