On 2/24/25 12:20, Dora Scilipoti wrote:

On Sunday Feb 23 I cvs committed three modifications to
www/thankgnus/2025supporters.html and noticed the following anomalies.

* The email notification to the www-commits mailing list was not sent
for the third commit (Revision 1.13).

* The diff at http://web.cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/www/www/
thankgnus/2025supporters.html shows "No changes" for all three commits;
http://web.cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewvc/www/www/ thankgnus/2025supporters.html?r1=1.12&r2=1.13

* Access to those diff pages is painfully slow, sometimes it just times out.

Same as above seems to have happened today with these:

Dora Scilipoti
stallmansupport.org -- Disinformation succeeds because so many people
care deeply about injustice but do not take the time to check the facts.

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