[[ Este email es para Savannah Staff. Cualquier otra persona no autorizada por [[ REMITENTE DE ESTE CORREO que lo este leyendo le informo que esta violando
[[  mi intimidad y privacidad.

Hello Savannah Staff.

It is nice to greet you.

I had read HowToBecomeASavannahHacker and also I was searching nongnu projects. I found many nongnu projects do not have source code and they have long time
without to be maintenance or abandoned.

I would like to know if Could I participate or collaborate with GNU Savannah
reporting them to be remove or delete of the savannah.nongnu.org server?

[[  Notes:
[[  * My usually deadline to reply your email is one week.
[[ * I wait for a response one week in the case that email requires one or my
[[    time assign to reply your email will be assign in other activity.
[[ * My English level is not the best, please if you do not understand some
[[    phrases let me know to try explain you in other way.

Muchas Gracias.
Saludos cordiales.

Ingeniero Octavio Toscano

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