Dear  Savannah:
         i am sorry to interrupt you that some simple 
question??for me??of  course?? diffculty????my confussion is??In 
Pyformex?? V3.0.1??/Script/WireStent, i can't export it correctly(including 
.neu/ .obj/ .off/.ply)??as a result??Solid works??2018?? can??t open it. Also 
Abaqus(2022) can't open .inp fommat file.
       Whether the reason that Abaqus can't  open .inp 
fommat file is low Abaqus??s Python Version??V 2.7????Or Wrong Procedure of 
Install Pyformex ? How to proceed? Could you give me some advice??
      By the way, i am a Linux noobie?? 

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