Hello Muhammas,

On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 6:55 AM Muhammas shafi
<shafimuhammas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am Installing gnuhealth on my Ubuntu.

You have reached the Savannah Users mailing list. We do not know much
about specific projects here. The project homepage lists several
public mailing lists.

I think you will get a better answer by writing to either health or health-dev.

> I am following the Wikibooks.org
> <http://wikibooks.org/> page for the installation. everything goes right
> but when I enter the command source ${HOME}/.gnuhealthrc I give an error
> that no such file or directory. what should I do. and also cdexe command is
> also not working

When you write to one of the above mailing lists, I suggest that you
provide more information about which page specifically you're
following - I am guessing that it is

Did any of the previous steps (downloading, verifying, running the
installer) produce any warnings or error messages?

I don't know anything about GNU Health (well... I at least now know
that it exists), but the above information should help the developers
help you.


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