Christopher Dimech wrote:
> I am the administrator of GNU Behistun. I have done a co on my project but
> I am having a very hard time sending my new files. What commands would I have
> to do.
> For check out I used
> cvs -z3 co gbehistun
1. For submitting your change perhaps you want a non-anonymous clone. suggests the relevant command is 
`cvs -z3 -d:ext:<membername> co gbehistun`. 

2. After making your changes you may need to use `cvs commit` (cvs ci) to 
upload the changes. See

3. The change may not show live immediately. I think the web pages update 
script runs every hour as I read on the Savannah wiki about two years ago, but 
I can't find this offhand.

-- Sveta

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