Hi, On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 10:20 AM, D.P.Pandya <pan...@openmailbox.org> wrote: > I'm in touch with Philosophy of GNU project for two years and want to (or say > can) help/contribute to the following project: > > https://savannah.gnu.org/people/viewjob.php?group_id=1533&job_id=655 > > How do I join that group/project and start contributing?
The project you've offered to help is the GNU Web Translation Coordination project. It is an umbrella project that coordinates the efforts of the various language translation teams for articles on gnu.org (I'm the coordinator of the Polish language translation). I will forward your inquiry to Ineiev, the project manager and he will contact you with details. In the meantime, there exists a manual explaining the software we use to maintain the translations: http://www.gnu.org/software/trans-coord/manual/web-trans/ Cheers, Jan