>     Were there any system-wide changes to mailman that may have
    >     affected the notification settings?

Hi Jan - those daily notifications are sent out by a cron job, and I see
the usual cron entry is present on lists.gnu.org. /etc/cron.d/mailman

0 8 * * * list [ -x /usr/lib/mailman/cron/checkdbs ] && 

and that file exists, and is from the recent installation:

lists$ ls -l /usr/lib/mailman/cron/checkdbs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 list list 7088 Apr  7 13:25 /usr/lib/mailman/cron/checkdbs

We (Savannah volunteers) are able to log in as user list on
lists.gnu.org, so I tried it running it by hand, and there was no output
and no errors.  Unfortunately it also completed instantly, which did not
seem plausible.

So, looking further, there are two installations of the recent mailman.
One is the /usr/lib/mailman above.  The other is 
I tried running that, and it did not return instantly,
so maybe it actually sent something out.  Did you get a notification
just now, perchance?


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