Look, I don't know if I can help. I saw that you need (or want) a writer.
I know zip about code and the rest . . . html, xml, perl  . . . you get it.

I'm the author of "The Many Adventures of Pengey Penguin" and
"The Further Adventures of Pengey Penguin."

I have no idea how to use your site, but I love the graphics and the
illustrations of your penguin whom I assume is named Pingus.

Kinda' looks like fun, does it work for a Mac?

I write stories and I write award winning stories. I like what your doing
and would like to contribute. Naturally I'm as busy as a one armed wallpaper hanger,
but I do have some free time.

If you have a moment check out my website, www.pengey.com

Let me know if you'd like me to dream up a story line..

All the best,
John Burns Author
fn:John Burns
org:San Francisco Story Works
adr;dom:;;386 Union Street;San Francisco;CA;94133
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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