Follow-up Comment #13, task #16601 (group administration):

[comment #12 comment #12:]
>> Mmsystem IS a Windows system library for sound playing. Winapi is too.
> Thank you!  Still it isn't sufficient just to say so.
> Why are they system libraries?

`mmsystem` and `WinAPI` (Windows API) are system libraries used in Windows for
various low-level operations, particularly for interacting with hardware,
handling multimedia, and managing basic system functionalities. Here’s a
quick breakdown of each:

1. mmsystem Part of the Windows Multimedia System library, `mmsystem` provides
functions for handling multimedia tasks.
   It’s particularly useful when you need to control multimedia hardware and
access features at a lower level than high-level libraries like DirectX.

2. WinAPI (Windows API) This is the core set of libraries for Windows OS, and
it encompasses a wide range of system functions.

   The WinAPI is foundational for Windows applications, as it provides the
necessary interfaces to interact with the operating system directly. mmsystem

Both of those libraries are provided by Windows without any modifications or


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