Update of task #16601 (group administration):

             Assigned to:                   carlc => ineiev


Follow-up Comment #2:


For free software developers, it's very important to know the licenses of
their package dependencies and how those licenses affect their package.  The
developers who don't understand that may end up with a package that is
effectively nonfree.

A great way to start would be to list your dependencies with their licenses.
Please provide links to find the distribution terms for each dependency.

Please make sure that all copyrightable files in your tarball have
[//savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/ValidNotices/ valid copyright and license
notices], including image files---please create a README file in every
directory that contains image files.  This text file should list every image
by name and provide the respective copyright and license notices. See
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.html#Copyright-Notices for more

Note that for short permissive licenses like zlib license, license notices are
the entire license itself.

Also, please note that Savannah is GNU Project's software forge.  Therefore,
we require that people [//www.gnu.org/gnu/why-gnu-linux.html give our work due
credit] when hosting their packages here; in particular, they should
[//www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html call the operating system GNU/Linux
rather than just "Linux"].


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