Follow-up Comment #54, task #16584 (group administration):
> First, line 5 says, "StoneValley is free software"; in other words, it speaks for the whole package; second, when I say that licensing conditions should be declared in a consistent way, I mean that the wording should be exactly the same in all cases. Shortcuts like 'GPLv3+' are only appropriate when speaking informally. Okay, I will delete line 25 and 26 of file README and re-upload tarball file, please evaluate it. > The right answer is, two licenses are compatible when they allow combining works released under each of them into one larger work, Thank you for teaching me this! > No, they are not. In fact, even different versions of the GPL are incompatible, this is why the "or later" provision is needed, > > The only exception is the LGPLv2: it includes a permission for relicensing under GPLv2 or any later version of the GPL. > When some works are used in manuals, but may be useful as parts of new programs, the GNU Project releases them both under the GPL and the GFDL, > I see. Thank you for your explanation! > Is it used as a part of program of as a part of a note about the package? The svlogo.png is not used as a part of program, but it can be a part of note of StoneValley package. (file #56571) _______________________________________________________ Additional Item Attachment: File name: StoneValley.tar Size: 870KiB <> AGPL NOTICE These attachments are served by Savane. You can download the corresponding source code of Savane at _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah
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