Follow-up Comment #40, task #16584 (group administration):

> I am sorry I made confusions to you. I mean, since requiring a copy of LGPL
> the source tarball is a set of additional permissions, and I may at my
> remove any additional permissions, it says the license gives the right to me
> to determine whether add or remove the copy of license.

I'm afraid this still sounds confusing to me.  We have discussed that
the copyright holders were not bound by the licenses they apply to
their programs.  Don't you remember that?

> > To make sure that we are on the same page: do you mean file #56448?
> Did you attach the correct file?
> Yes, it is file #56448. I attached the correct file.

Then I wonder how you listed the files to check in your tarball,
and how you checked them.


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