Update of task #16589 (group administration):

                  Status:                    None => Wait reply             


Follow-up Comment #1:

Hello! This looks like an interesting program. But before we continue, there
are a few problems that need to be addressed first:

(1) about dependency: you need to list all dependencies and their licenses,
make sure their licenses are compatible with your program, like this:

libgtk2 LGPLv2.1+
openssl Apache 2.0

(2) "Linux": we strongly encourage you to give GNU project the credit it
deserves by saying "GNU/Linux" instead of "Linux". You can see our reasoning
here: https://savannah.nongnu.org/register/requirements.php

The source files mention "Linux" in several places and you should correct

(3) "GNU GPLv2": the source files say "GPLv2" but do not explicitly say
"GPLv2-only" or "GPLv2 or later". We require the license to be "GPLv2+":

This is easy to fix: you only need to change "GPLv2" to "GPLv2+" in every
file. Upgrading to GPLv3+ is also encouraged but not required.

(4) binary files like images and icons also need explicit license too. You can
use a file list like this:

These binary files are licensed under GNU GPLv3 or later:

Also you need to check if all files have a license notice. Now, some files
don't, so it needs to be fixed.

(5) GFDL: the documentations have "GFDL" on the footer, but the license text
is not included anywhere. Also, we require "or later", so you need to change
them to something like "FDL1.3+". Alternatively, it's perfectly fine for
documentations to have the same license as the code (GPLv2+).

You can check these pages to correctly apply copyright notices:

(6) "tender.xls": please convert this file to ods format, which libreoffice
can use but some proprietary software cannot. Using "xls" files is too easy to
invite people to use proprietary software, so let's avoid that.

After correcting these problems, please resubmit a source tarball.


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