Follow-up Comment #1, task #16582 (group administration):


I'm not a member of the Evaluation Committee, but I have some questions

* To me, it appears the package is taking a web site as input and presenting
it in a different form (with different styling and possibly different
structure). Is that correct?

* What are the problems that the original web site has and that the
modified/augmented web site does not have?

* How does the approach of doing this in the browser compare with the approach
of doing it on a server, in a website of yours? a) in terms of user freedom,
b) in terms of ease-of-use?

* How is the perennity of the software? I would expect that each time the
original web site is restructured or reprogrammed (every couple of months?),
your package breaks and needs considerable effect to revive. (Just like yt-dlp
needs to catch up every time youtube's code is restructured.) Is this correct?
How often did you have to catch up in the past?


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