URL: <https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?16575>
Summary: Submission of tag9010 Group: Savannah Administration Submitter: tag9010 Submitted: Sun 25 Aug 2024 08:18:36 PM UTC Should Start On: Sun 25 Aug 2024 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on: Wed 04 Sep 2024 12:00:00 AM UTC Category: Project Approval Priority: 5 - Normal Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any _______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comments: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun 25 Aug 2024 08:18:36 PM UTC By: tag9010 <tag9010> A new group has been registered at Savannah. This group will remain inactive until a site admin approves or discards the registration. = Registration Administration = Approving or discarding the registration must be done using the specific [https://savannah.nongnu.org/siteadmin/groupedit.php?group_id=12364 Group administration] page, accessible only to site administrators logged in as superusers. = Registration Details = * Name: *tag9010* * System Name: *usmilitary* * Type: non-GNU software and documentation * License: GNU General Public License v3 or later (please read those PDF files i uploaded... 1)just some tips for future politics.pdf 2)the plan for 2024 and beyond reloaded (oversimplified).pdf 3)the plan for 2024 and beyond reloaded (US military edition).pdf 4)to europol with love.pdf 5)turbo justice.pdf 6)a gay and grey plan.pdf must of the things you can do with free and open source software are in 1) and 6)... the rest are mainly for governments to do some things if we want to change the world...we need those ideas i am giving you on every operating system and so on so we will protect our selves from democracy and theocracy (please do not be scared that i am against democracy... the number one problem of democracy is that they need slaves to maintain it since this idea came to earth... and this is why every democratic nation is poor and this is why every theocratic nation used to be a democracy before they turn into theocracy.... so please ! read those things so we might be able to escape from both regimes globally) ) ---- == Description: == i am not a hacker or a programmer... i just have a few ideas on how to fix the world actually and i believe that this can be done easily by using free and open source software... the government must do many of the things i am saying here and the "Gay and grey" plan is for common people to talk about "things" or do "things" in an effort to add psychological pressure to the government till they understand that they are weak and very easy to bring down... whatever i am saying is madness however i believe we might be able to do a lot of good things.... you must read whatever i am saying and made them happening for real by making the software and hardware based on my ideas i want to give you.... this way we will protect our freedoms and freedom of speech that democracy and theocracy wants to take away from us so they will keep us isolated for greater control... this world is a clown world and my PDFs might help us to get rid of every clown who is responsible for whatever is happening in our lives.... keep in mind that i have some issues with anger because things happened in my life so please ignore the violent and try to focus on the solutions... read them all again and again because i have Asperger syndrome, ADHD and dyslexia and so it is very difficult for me to explain what i am thinking about while as well i am always making a lot of grammar mistakes with missing words and misspellings... only the free and open source world can save our asses from the tyranny of democracy and theocracy ! == Tarball URL: == https://savannah.nongnu.org/submissions_uploads/iQihXN-THE%20PLAN%20FOR%202024%20AND%20BEYOND%20RELOADED%20%28US%20MILITARY%20EDITION%29.pdf _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?16575> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.nongnu.org/
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