Update of task#16483 (group administration): Status: None => Need Info Assigned to: None => carlc
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #1: Hi Agustinea! Thanks for your submission! I'm just glancing now for the first time at this request and the very first thing I notice (peeking at the link you have supplied for a tarball of your project sources) is a README talking about "Open Source". Among other hosting requirements we ask that you not refer to "Open Source", but rather to free software (notwithstanding any efforts you go to toward helping your users understand the difference). Additionally, I see from your COPYING file that you provide the GPLv3 license. We require hosted projects to be forward compatible to new license versions. Can I ask you, as a first step while I review your application and project more closely, to update your README to use the term Free Software instead of "Open Source" (e.g. "This program is free software" and also to be clear with users that they may elect to use a newer version of the license? There is some suggested text for this which I would suggest adding directly to the README to address both of these concerns in the GPL how-to: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-howto.html#license-notices For reference, here are our full hosting requirements: https://savannah.gnu.org/register/requirements.php Please let me know when you've made that change. I (and, potentially, others from the team) will update with any additional questions or requests we have for you, also. If you have questions please don't hesitate to ask. Alternately, if as you review the requirements and consider the various changes we will ask (probably adding similar notices on many other files, at minimum), you decide you don't want to proceed let me know and I will close this request. Thanks again for considering hosting your Free Software projects with Savannah! Corwin _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?16483> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.nongnu.org/