Follow-up Comment #7, task #16461 (project administration):

[comment #6 comment #6:]
> > > Yes, I forgot to also license the generated html files. I just added the
> > 
> > Did I say, "HTML"?  Do you mean HTML?  And a question with an asterisk:
are all added notices valid?
> The HTML documentation is the only one that I generated, so I assumed that's
what you were talking about.

So no, we don't refer to the same thing when we speak of "HTML."  By HTML, I
mean text files of the specific format standardized by the W3C.  Again, I
didn't say, "HTML files." I said, "all copyrightable files."

> The doxygen webpage states the following: "Documents produced by doxygen are
derivative works derived from the input used in their production; they are not
affected by this license."
> My understanding is that I can choose any license for the produced
documents. If that was not the case, using doxygen would force me to also use

And what are the "produced documents"?  If we assume that it must be something
that isn't derived from Doxygen, then I can only suggest that it may be a
snapshot of a page as rendered in a browser---which is definitely not what the
tarball is to contain.

> ...v2.

The license versions of Doxygen and other dependencies will be the next issue
to resolve.

> > I see neither the tree view nor the top menu with my browser.
> Hmm... just to be on the same page: Are we talking about the generated
HTML-documentation? Out of curiosity and to trouble shoot: Which browser do
you use?

Just to be on the same page:

tar xzf sinaps_2.tgz && lynx file://`pwd`/sinaps/doc/html/index.html

> > > I dropped all default lines and kept only the ones I changed; then, it
shouldn't be an issue.
> > 
> > Why not?  The file is still derived, isn't it?
> Well, ... technically it is.

Why just technically?

> But taking pieces from the doxygen manual to construct a doxygen.conf is
also derived, isn't it?

It depends on the nature of the "taking pieces": when one takes expressions,
it makes a derivative; when one takes ideas, it doesn't.

For the record, the GNU Project
releases examples in manuals under an additional license].

> I suppose the easy way out is to strip off the doxygen.conf and generated
documentation and leave it to interested people to run doxygen themselves.

It doesn't matter who runs the compiler.  The package should take care to make
the result GFDL-compatible.


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