Follow-up Comment #1, task #16428 (project administration): 1) For the information of the reviewer, the looks like The 3-Clause BSD License, and is also included in the attached .tar.gz file. (For the reference of the submitting author, the reviewers on this site don't visit github links.)
2) However I do not understand why in this file it includes the phrase 'All rights reserved.', which is not present in the example at <>. 3) The following files are missing a copyright notice: cat6/ labs/ man6/ sounds/ 4) The following files are man pages which are missing a copyright section, example of which can be seen in 'man ls', for example: cat6/*.6 man6/*.6 5) I didn't check the sound files, or whether their format is sufficiently free, in the following location: sounds/*.au Note that sounds/ states `Sound files in format: Sun/NeXT audio data: 8-bit ISDN mu-law, mono, 8000 Hz` and this appears to correspond to <> however there I also didn't find any information, not in a way that I understand, about whether this format is allowed in free software. 6) Regardless of the questions about sound files format, I believe each file should have either EXIF metadata detailing who the author is and what the copyright licence is, or a note about these sound files copyright in, and I don't know which of these two are required by Savannah. 7) The following files contain copyright notices at the top of the file, which is good; however I do not understand why these copyright notices include the phrase 'All rights reserved.', which is not present in the example at <>. source/*.c and source/*.h 8) What is "pax_global_header"? It doesn't contain a copyright notice, and is outside of the main project directory. Hope this helps with the reviews. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah