URL: <https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?16425>
Summary: Submission of flet - evaluator of arithmetic floating point expressions Group: Savannah Administration Submitter: ggraziadei Submitted: Fri 25 Aug 2023 06:24:51 AM UTC Should Start On: Fri 25 Aug 2023 12:00:00 AM UTC Should be Finished on: Mon 04 Sep 2023 12:00:00 AM UTC Category: Project Approval Priority: 5 - Normal Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any _______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comments: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Fri 25 Aug 2023 06:24:51 AM UTC By: Gianluca Graziadei <ggraziadei> A new group has been registered at Savannah. This group will remain inactive until a site admin approves or discards the registration. = Registration Administration = Approving or discarding the registration must be done using the specific [https://savannah.nongnu.org/siteadmin/groupedit.php?group_id=12314 Group administration] page, accessible only to site administrators logged in as superusers. = Registration Details = * Name: *flet - evaluator of arithmetic floating point expressions* * System Name: *flet* * Type: non-GNU software and documentation * License: GNU General Public License v3 or later (GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007) ---- == Description: == Evaluate arithmetic floating point expressions written in C and Bison for parser and Flex for scanner. This library is oriented to work with Bash. Evaluate each ARG as an arithmetic expression. Each expression ends with semicolumn. The following list of operators is grouped into levels of equal-precedence operators. The levels are listed in order of decreasing precedence. id++, id-- variable post-increment, post-decrement ++id, --id variable pre-increment, pre-decrement -, + unary minus, plus !, ~ logical and bitwise negation ** exponentiation *, /, % multiplication, division, remainder +, - addition, subtraction <<, >> left and right bitwise shifts <=, >=, <, > comparison ==, != equality, inequality & bitwise AND ^ bitwise XOR | bitwise OR && logical AND || logical OR boolean_exp ? scalar_exp : scalar_exp conditional operator =, *=, /=, %=, +=, -=, <<=, >>=, &=, ^=, |= assignment id=scalar_exp|boolean_exp acos(scalar_exp) computes arc cosine. acosh(scalar_exp) computes arc hyperbolic cosine. asin(scalar_exp) computes arc sine. asinh(scalar_exp) computes the hyperbolic of arc sine of an argument. atan(scalar_exp) computes the arc tangent of an argument. atan2(scalar_exp) computes the arc tangent of an argument. atanh(scalar_exp) computes arc hyperbolic tangent. cbrt(scalar_exp) computes cube root of a number. ceil(scalar_exp) computes the nearest integer greater than argument. cos(scalar_exp) computes the cosine of an argument. cosh(scalar_exp) computer hyperbolic cosine. exp(scalar_exp) computes the exponential raised to the argument. fabs(scalar_exp) computes absolute value. floor(scalar_exp) calculates the nearest integer less than argument. hypot(scalar_exp) computes hypotenuse. log(scalar_exp) computes natural logarithm of an argument. log10(scalar_exp) computes the base 10 logarithm of an argument. pow(scalar_exp) Computes power of a number. sin(scalar_exp) compute sine of a number. sinh(scalar_exp) computes the hyperbolic sine of an argument. sqrt(scalar_exp) computes square root of a number. tan(scalar_exp) computes tangent. tanh(scalar_exp) computes the hyperbolic tangent of an argument. GitHub repository: https://github.com/GGraziadei/flet == Other Software Required: == - Bison (parser) GNU General Public License https://www.gnu.org/software/bison/ - "Flex carries the copyright used for BSD software, slightly modified because it originated at the Lawrence Berkeley (not Livermore!) Laboratory, which operates under a contract with the Department of Energy:" complete license https://github.com/westes/flex/blob/master/COPYING https://github.com/westes/flex == Tarball URL: == https://savannah.nongnu.org/submissions_uploads/9QBOku-flet.tar.gz _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.nongnu.org/task/?16425> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.nongnu.org/