Follow-up Comment #2, sr#110994 (group administration):

[comment #1 comment #1:]
> The list of repositories will be blank until the specified path is populated
with Git repositories; it makes little sense to point at a place that doesn't

It's still blank even after the path is populated with git repos generated by
sv_groups and GitMakeArea.

Unlike cvs, bzr, or svn, in site-specific, the "Use Git" page contructs git
repo url using a variable $repo_list, which is defined in a function in
include/vcs.php. $repo_list will be empty if $sys_vcs_dir is not defined. From
what I can tell in the git log, it seems that this way of supporting multiple
git repos for one group was introduced around 2017. On other vcs, the url is
contructed using $project->getUnixName().


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