
                 Summary: Kindly unsubscribe me from all mailing lists -
suddenly I started getting messages from wget
                 Project: Savannah Administration
            Submitted by: None
            Submitted on: Tue 08 Feb 2022 09:54:21 AM UTC
                Category: Project mailing lists
                Priority: 5 - Normal
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
        Originator Email: isla...@yahoo.co.uk
        Operating System: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



As of a month ago I started getting emails from a list (wget) I have
unsubscribed in a long and very difficult procedure which occassionally
revived my subscription.

I tried to login and check my settings.

Problem 1: what's my username????? I know my email but can't remember my
username. Eventually I tried various things and something finally worked.

Problem 2: my password does not work. I have never changed it.

Problem 3: fine, I will request a "password reset hash". One indeed was sent
to my email address but it did not work when I clicked on it (virtually 5 mins
after receipt of email). I asked for a re-sent, I had to wait for 1 hour, got
sidetracked and forgot about it until I reveive more emails from mailing lists
I used to subscribe.

Problem 4: After a week from last attempt I am trying again to reset password
and eventually login and cancel all my subscriptions. This time I have not
received any email although it says it sent one. And asking for re-sent gets
me to wait-for-an-hour thingy.

I think the best thing for me right now is to ERASE my account and when I need
to subscribe to a mailing list I will create a new one. It's a bit of a burden
to your system but it's the most robust way for dealing with database crashes
(and restore).

Question: How can I proceed?

p.s. I really like that I do not see "login using facebook or github or google
account". That's great and would expect nothing less from the FSF and GNU. So,
this is not a critique of that. I have no critique about the service you are
running except one: make username the same as email if possible.


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