Follow-up Comment #1, sr #110279 (project administration): Hi all,
This seems doable, there is a howto with two options. To me it seems option 1 is preferred. Please see quote below: "Cgit supports syntax highlighting when viewing blobs. To enable syntax highlighting, you have several options. Option 1. Using python-pygments Install python-pygments and add the filter in /etc/cgitrc source-filter=/usr/lib/cgit/filters/ To change the coloring style, modify the style argument that is passed to HtmlFormatter in the file. For instance, to change the coloring style to 'tango': formatter = HtmlFormatter(encoding='utf-8', style='tango') To get a list of all coloring styles that are available, do: $ python >>> from pygments.styles import get_all_styles >>> list(get_all_styles()) ['manni', 'igor', 'xcode', 'vim', 'autumn', 'vs', 'rrt', 'native', 'perldoc', 'borland', 'tango', 'emacs', 'friendly', 'monokai', 'paraiso-dark', 'colorful', 'murphy', 'bw', 'pastie', 'paraiso-light', 'trac', 'default', 'fruity'] Option 2. Using highlight Install the highlight package. Copy /usr/lib/cgit/filters/ to /usr/lib/cgit/filters/ Then, in the copied file, comment out version 2 and comment in version 3. You may want to add --inline-css to the options of highlight for a more colorful output without editing cgit's css file. # This is for version 2 #exec highlight --force -f -I -X -S "$EXTENSION" 2>/dev/null # This is for version 3 exec highlight --force --inline-css -f -I -O xhtml -S "$EXTENSION" 2>/dev/null Enable the filter in /etc/cgitrc source-filter=/usr/lib/cgit/filters/ Note: Editing /usr/lib/cgit/filters/ directly would lose all the modifications as soon as cgit is updated." Source: Licence: Content is available under GNU Free Documentation License 1.3 or later unless otherwise noted. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah