Follow-up Comment #1, sr #109974 (project administration):

Thank you for making this report.  However I cannot reproduce it.

The https certificates for are renewed automatically with
the EFF Let's Encrypt Certificate Authority signed certificates.  The
certificate was last updated on July 16, 2019 and expires on October 14, 2019.
 I do not see any reason it would not be considered valid.

Previously similar reports have been caused by invasive proxies that intercept
the certificate in a MITM type of interception and the certificate fails
correctly to inform that the connection the site is not secure and cannot be
trusted.  Another possibility is that the EFF Let's Encrpty CA has been
removed from, or is not installed, in the web browser.  Is it possible that
either of these things are possibilities?

Please test again and if you are able to reproduce the problem then consider
the active MITM possibility.  Try the test from a different location to avoid
such a proxy.  Try the test from a different web browser to verify that the
Certificate Authority is installed and available.


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