I recently upgraded to Ubuntu Xenial and my because the supported OpenSSH no longer supports DSA my gnu keys no longer work.

Trying to fix it involved so many false starts that I am now blocked:

ed@bad-horse:~$ svn update gcc
Updating 'gcc':
Received disconnect from port 22:2: Too many authentication failures for emsr
Connection to gcc.gnu.org closed by remote host.
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn+ssh://e...@gcc.gnu.org/svn/gcc/trunk' svn: E210002: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file.
svn: E210002: Network connection closed unexpectedly

I would like to be unlocked and to register this key only:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDCJHxK+znyU4A1gKsFE18bL+3lEyzXZOo+peBDJF/PKpJrBvQY2DW85UNH3SJmmIfypc4th5RiSNjZJLiKKclUYmnTa75L5N1V2X3d5w1Axx0LM9/2GDkLZLdsXRCmGQ5Dr0UWdxCws8JPV5Sb/+RiEr5HcInnggX7vzhiWTCxaoRYIgtJJoEosfuYNHIZ9JEIvAyPm/cc0dC2t/1a2GPlJK0e+0xdwij3zD19a0vUGtddHdPZISZCWhhMLLvp2F4ZPuVrPrzdz55VoBvik/eDO29WvulRGcsoasCkmHYJsbJtUlHjYYFymte/mSkSYaAsQA0ZgMZFrnB9ylAe3Wrd ed@bad-horse

Thank you,

Ed Smith-Rowland
emsr / 3dw...@verizon.net

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