Update of sr #109001 (project administration): Assigned to: None => agn Open/Closed: Open => Closed
_______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comment #1: Hello Kai, Thank you for writing regarding "WebGit". Currently, web pages on www.gnu.org can only be managed by CVS. There is definite interest in working on supporting git for web pages, but there are few technical hurdles that prevent us from implementing it on the server itself. I'm glad to say that recently there is some progress on that front, but I do not have an estimate on when will it be ready. If you are interested in helping in the development of this feature, please let's continue this discussion on the savannah-hackers-pub...@gnu.org mailing list. For more technical information (slightly out-of-date), see: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/savannah-hackers-public/2014-11/msg00001.html https://git.housegordon.org/cgit/gnu-sv-gitweb.git/ regards, - assaf _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?109001> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/