Hello Gneural Network Community, Jean Michel Sellier wrote: > I am going to deal with that by myself then and see what to do. Hopefully > this preliminary repo should be ready in a few hours..
I am one of the Savannah admins. I was looking over the new project, saw this issue, and contacted JM about it. This is easy to fix if done "soonest" and more of a pain as time goes by. Therefore I recommended doing a fix to the repository. JM told me to go ahead and therefore I have reset the repository and removed the binary tar files. That is now done. But having been done, the removal of the files from the history, it means that any clones of the previous repository will be out of sync. If someone blindly pulls from it they will end up with conflicts in their working directory. Since this is a new project the easiest thing is simply to clone the repository again info a fresh directory. That is simple and trouble free option. git clone yourusern...@git.sv.gnu.org/srv/git/gneuralnetwork.git Or: git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/gneuralnetwork.git If you are comfortable with git then it is possible to fetch the new origin then reset --hard origin/master. THIS WILL DISCARD LOCAL CHANGES so only do this if you haven't made any. If no local changes: git fetch origin git reset --hard origin/master If you have a locally modified working copy then please take a moment to ensure that you don't lose your work. I still recommend creating a new clone for simplicity. But there are many different ways using git. One way is to use git stash. ...modified working copy... git stash save ...clean working copy without your changes... git fetch origin git reset --hard origin/master ...back in sync with origin... git stash pop ...modified working copy with your changes... If you have local modifications then be safe and always make a backup copy first. > Giuseppe Scrivano wrote: > > I am not sure if not fast forward pushes are enabled for the repo > > (probably not as it is safer) so that we do it without sysadmins > > intervention. If not, I think the first step is to contact them to > > reset the repository. The tarballs should not really be there. You are correct. All Savannah repositories are protected from non-fast-forward pushes in order to prevent loss of source code. This prevents someone from intentionally pushing a zero'd out repository to remove previously released source code. Hope this helps! Please feel free to contact us (the Savannah folks at savannah-help-pub...@gnu.org) if there are any issues. Bob