Hello JM,

Jean Michel Sellier wrote:
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Since this is a new project and this happened just today it is easy to
> > do it but if done it should be done as soon as possible.  Or never
> > done because it will have become part of the project history and many
> > people will have pulled from it later.
> >
> > I recommend fixing it.  Let us (the Savannah folks, CC'd) know what
> > you would like to do.
> MANY thanks for your email and for offering your help. Yes, it was a
> mistake and I would be more than happy if you could fix it as soon as
> possible, so that it disappear from the history of the repo. Please keep me
> updated.

Done.  I have updated the git repository to remove the initial tar.gz
file commit.  Since this is a history modification it will invalidate
currently cloned respositories that are pulling from it.  (Which is
why it should be done as soon as possible or not at all.)

There are many ways of handling the rewinding of the git repository.
I am happy to discuss them.  Since this is a brand new project and
repository the simplest is to simply clone again with the new bits.
Please do so and verify my work to ensure that I didn't make a

  git clone yourusern...@git.sv.gnu.org/srv/git/gneuralnetwork.git
  git clone git://git.sv.gnu.org/gneuralnetwork.git

I set a project description as well.  You can view here:


I will post a note to the gneuralnetwork mailing list with a short
note about this so that people know about this update.

I held off approving your announcement to info-gnu until after I could
update the repository so as to get ahead of most people who would pull
from it.  But I will do so now.


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