Hello Arthur!

Em Fri, 16 Oct 2015 09:39:10 -0700
"Arthur Schwarz" <aschwarz1...@att.net> escreveu:

> The quantity of reading material exceeds my ability, which is why I
> am seeking help.

Actually, it exceeds anyone's ability in a short period of time.  In
my own experience, the knowledge eventually arrives if you
really has a use for it.  Thus, my suggestion is: don't try to
know it all at once.  Focus on your particular problems and needs and
before you realize, you'll have mastered something.  Your brain is
dynamic --- don't put your human capacity in doubt, rather just accept
that you are better off learning organically.

> >> export CVS_RSH=ssh
> >> cvs -z3 -d:ext:lostb...@cvs.savannah.gnu.org:/web/gslip co gslip
> The authenticity of host 'cvs.savannah.gnu.org ('
> can't be established.
> RSA key fingerprint is
> SHA256:FYkx0iik+iBeCLRzvUyUSTRT98TEBBJoYuQsTXbyGL8. Are you sure you
> want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added
> 'cvs.savannah.gnu.org' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
> Permission denied (publickey).
> cvs [checkout aborted]: end of file from server (consult above
> messages if any)

I apologize for this.  As Ineiev has pointed out, the correct command

  export CVS_RSH=ssh
  cvs -z3 -d:ext:aschw...@cvs.savannah.gnu.org:/web/gslip co gslip

I mistakenly took your Savannah user name as lostbits. :-(

Good luck!

 88888  FFFFF Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro (oitofelix) [0x28D618AF]
 8   8  F     http://oitofelix.freeshell.org/
 88888  FFFF  mailto:oitofe...@gnu.org
 8   8  F     irc://chat.freenode.org/oitofelix
 88888  F     xmpp://oitofe...@riseup.net

- GNU ccd2cue maintainer
- GNU Savannah hacker
- GNU webmaster
- GNU audio and video maintainer
- GNU ethical repository criteria maintainer
- GNU web translation team coordinator (Brazilian Portuguese)
- DMOZ free software editor (Portuguese)
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- Riseup user and supporter

Please, support my work: http://oitofelix.freeshell.org/funding.html

[GNU DISCLAIMER] I'm a GNU hacker, but my views don't necessarily
match those of the GNU project.  Hereby I express my own opinion,
style and perception, in good faith, aiming the betterment of GNU.

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