Dear Marcelo,

Thanks for writing.

This is a new constraint of which I was unaware. I can only ask "Why!". At what 
level, and what level of detail, would the histories be lost? If I split into  
the two repos you suggest, why would this protect the histories. Also I presume 
you are talking about the histories prior to pushing to the Git repo as an 
initial load -- surely the histories *after* the repo is set up on savannah 
will continue to be generated?

If ongoing histories *are* generated, would the loss of earlier Git histories 
matter, as they are mostly covered in the SVN repo and really represent 
cleaning up work? But why would the existing histories not be kept (i.e. why 
would the copies have to be shallow copies?). Is that a bug in Git that is 
documented as a "feature"! :-)

If the ongoing histories are *not* generated after the new repo is populated, 
then Git would have a fatal flaw, and I am sure that is not so.

The earlier histories could be covered in the README, or other documentation, 
if you are just taling about the histories that should be in full copies.

No wonder I get frustrated. This is as bad as Dungeons & Dragons!

I am looking for the simplest, cleanest repo(s) -- preferably just one. 
Submodules cause plenty of their own problems in a shared public repository, 
with several subprojects.

I admit, I am still learning, will investigate further, and am open to advice & 

Warm regards.


On Sep 17, 2015, at 18:38 39PM, Marcelo Y. Matuda wrote:

> Hi David,
> 1- If you use only one git repository:
>  1a- If you don't use submodules, you will need to do shallow copies and you 
> will lose the histories.
>  1b- Or you use submodules (undesired).
> 2- If you use more than one git repository, you will get the complete 
> histories. With the last modifications you need gnuspeech (existing) and 
> gnuspeechsa (new) repositories.
> Maybe you don't want multiple repositories because Assaf Gordon said:
> "We can certainly create six sub-repositories under the main gnuspeech, and 
> you could use them as 'git submodules'."
> See for example
> The project has the repositories:
> guix.git
> guix/dhcp.git
> guix/gnunet.git
> etc
> But the repos dhcp.git and gnunet.git are _not_ sub-repositories, they are 
> separate directories. guix.git/ is a directory, and dhcp.git/ is not under 
> guix.git/. I suppose the structure is only to have a better/cleaner directory 
> organization.
> And if you use multiple repositories, you may or may not use submodules, it 
> is your choice.
> I know it is confusing, that is why it would be good to do some experiments 
> in a public repository (that you didn't do). Maybe you like adrenaline :)
> Regards,
> Marcelo

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