Regarding Mallory's Savannah accessibility review
at --

1) I have no disagreement with the changes I understand, and probably
not with the changes I don't understand, either.  Thanks for taking the
time to look at it, Mallory.

2) But it will take time and effort to match up these notes with the
HTML they are talking about, and much more time and effort to find where
in Savannah's code they are being generated.  I cannot undertake that
myself any time soon.  We need an interested volunteer.

3) One of the notes was about the FSF's image, linking to  As
far as I know we are just using the HTML that the FSF tells us to use.
So if/since that should be changed, I suspect various places on
that talk about how to use your buttons should also be changed.

4) I suspect accessibility would be notably improved by checking, on, "Use the Stone Age Menu" (so that
menus are static text instead of dynamic css) and "Show feedback in
relative position" (so that errors and such on result pages are normal
text).  Personally, I think those should be checked by default for new
users, but there seems to be no consensus on this.

5) Mallory: one thing in which I am very interested is your comment "we
can easily force the smallest texts to be at least 12px equivalent".
How?  I am unaware of any rational method to force a minimum font size,
something I would dearly like to do in many places, not just Savannah.


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