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Summary: LWIP-SNMP-Xilinx SDK: Maximum size of OCTET String that can be used is Limited to 255?? Project: Savannah Administration Submitted by: None Submitted on: Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:10:12 AM UTC Category: Savannah trackers - bugs, tasks, etc. Priority: 5 - Normal Severity: 3 - Normal Status: None Assigned to: None Originator Email: mano...@gmail.com Operating System: Microsoft Windows Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any _______________________________________________________ Details: I am Manoj Kumar. I am using LWIP Library to bulid an SNMP Agent for my device. When the agent tries to transfer a string of length >255 over an oid, its behaving suspecious. Is it possible to send a string of length > 255 over an oid or not. if possible do in need to make any changes.?? Please Let me know. _______________________________________________________ File Attachments: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:10:12 AM UTC Name: mib2.c Size: 103kB By: None These are some of the files, which might be required for your reference. <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/download.php?file_id=32631> ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:10:12 AM UTC Name: msg_in.c Size: 42kB By: None These are some of the files, which might be required for your reference. <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/download.php?file_id=32632> ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:10:12 AM UTC Name: snmp_msg.h Size: 9kB By: None These are some of the files, which might be required for your reference. <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/download.php?file_id=32633> ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed 10 Dec 2014 07:10:12 AM UTC Name: snmp_structs.h Size: 10kB By: None These are some of the files, which might be required for your reference. <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/download.php?file_id=32634> _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/support/?108701> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/