
On 02/09/14 19:17, Bob Proulx wrote:
Hello Riccardo,

If you would be so kind as to say more specifically what problems you
had and what you needed to do we would update the guide accordingly.
I had to add:

To work around a single spurious character in a file, or conversion would not terminate.

Are you talking about the use of --mime-types?  I am rather hoping
projects avoid checking in random binary files at all.
I did not use any of them I suppose everything is binary, as cvs did. older version of cvs2svn defaulted to text, since 2.x it defaults to binary. The use of mime-types sounded complcated since I do not have /etc/mime.types

At the end I used

cvs2svn --use-cvs --fs-type=fsfs --username=rmottola --cvs-revnums --fallback-encoding=utf-8 -s gap-svn gap > & err.txt

where "gap" is my cvs repo (in the previous attempt I used the parent directory which I suppose created the level too much).


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