Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> >     Shall I really subscribe `invalid.nore...@gnu.org' to the
> >     bug-groff mailing list?
> > 
> > You don't need to (and shouldn't) subscribe that address.  You just
> > need to add it to accept_these_nonmembers on
> > https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/admin/bug-groff/privacy/sender.
> I've added `invalid.nore...@gnu.org' accordingly, thanks.

Just an an oh, by the by, comment...

If you hadn't done anything then eventually someone would make a
commit.  That would generate an email.  The first email would
initially be held in the Mailman hold queue.  One of the listhelpers
(likely myself or Karl) would see it and we would both approve the
message and as standard operating procedure add the message's address
to the above accept_these_nonmembers list.  The Mailman "summary" web
page has a checkbox for doing so making it easy.  I would normally
check that box and have the web interface do this for me when I
approved the message.  (After having looked at the contents of the
message in the "details" page.)  At that point subsequent messages
would pass through without any delay.  It is only the initial message
that would be held.

Just to show that for the most part for most projects things will get
taken care of without needing a lot of tedious administrivia from each
project maintainer.  Very happy that you have such a good hands-on
status for your projects.  Most do not and so we mother over things as
a general umbrella.  When it is cold outside we try to make sure
people have their warm sweaters on, and that type of thing.  :-)

I am sure from your perspective there may seem like this is a lot of
administrivia work that you needed to do.  But you really didn't need
to do it.  From our perspective you did a lot of work that would have
happened through the normal course of events the same as for the other
thousand plus mailing lists.  But I don't want to discourage you from
doing any of these things.  First hand experience and understanding
how things are working are what enable us to do other more interesting
things.  I just don't want you to think the drudgery is required of you.

Just thought I would try to give a view to what happens as a normal
routine.  :-)


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