Hi Bob,
Thanks for your help earlier. We have imported a new git repository,
under the branch 'master' - it looks like you changed the old repository
to 'oldmaster'. Unfortunately when we do a clone of the repository, the
default branch appears to be 'oldmaster' instead of 'master'. I don't
know any way to change this remotely - is this something you can do for us?
The command appears to be:
git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/master
however this may need to be done directly on the savannah repository.
Many thanks,
On 10/06/2013 07:32 PM, Bob Proulx wrote:
Hi Patrick,
Patrick Alken wrote:
Hello Bob, we would greatly appreciate if you could rename the
current git master branch to something else, so we can re-import the
current codebase into git.
Okay. Done. Upload away. Let me know if you have problems.