Hi Oliver,

Nice to hear from you.

   How can I reclaim ownership of GNU V.E.R.A. on Savannah? 

Are you sure it existed there?  Do you know the project id?  I do not
see anything for V.E.R.A. there now.

In the event that there is nothing for vera (sorry, can't keep typing
all those periods :) on savannah now, the best/fastest thing is simply
to submit a registration for it, at:

The group type would be "official GNU software", and there's no need to
write more than a few bare-bones words of description, since it is a
long-established package.  You have to upload a tarball to satisfy the
automated form, but it can just be a tar of a junk file, or whatever, 
since there are real tarballs on ftp.gnu.org.

I, or someone, can then approve the submission and create the project.

    a new update and I promised I would do so 


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